… is lovely. I have now worked there two full days and I can say I really enjoy working there. It is spacious, look great, and seems to function very well. The best thing, the absolute most wonderful thing about it though is NATURAL LIGHT!!! The whole front lets in a lot of course, but the whole back is one big skylight. Yes, I know that direct sunlight can make some things challenging, but Lord, it looks and feels so much better than artificial lighting.
I was a bit surprised at how plain the store looked, but I have warmed up to it. The facade is rather understated, but the rather plain exterior is offset by the expansive views inside. You can see all the way to the back of the store and of course all the goodness in between. The back wall, the one that is under the huge skylit area, at first seems rather plain (it is simply white painted brick with some displays just over head level), but I have come to appreciate the shadow play across that area as the day goes on. The patterns and shapes thrown onto those essentially blank screens are quite striking.
Alas, this goodness is stuck in Georgetown, and that’s the reason I can’t see myself moving to that store. The commute for me is brutal. I’m not going to drive there, I’m just not. I have always avoided driving down there because it makes me insane. So I’m stuck using public transport. That translates to a commute that is a little over an hour each way, a huge increase from my normal 15 minute one. Honestly, the store might as well be in Baltimore, or Boston for that matter. The commute time is such that I would have to move in order to work there…
Wednesday will be my last day there. I’m both sad and relieved. it is such a nice place to work, and the architecture is so stimulating, but I dread getting there and going home. So it’ll be back to Pentagon City on Thursday. I’ll miss you guys at Georgetown!