
My birthday…

    I actually had a very nice birthday. This is an
exceedingly rare occurence, most of them I end up spending alone due to
the fact that I’m not attached to someone. I went down to dad and
Butler’s place the day before and had a nice time. Had good food, even
saw my brother! When I got back up to NOVA, my friend Jenny (yes,
jennytheonly) had me over. It was pretty low key, some food, some
desserts, and then aqua teen hunger force episodes. All in all a nice
time, Thanks Jenny!
    Beth sent me this really cool copper bowl. It has
the Tibetan symbol for longevity at the bottom, and when you rub a
wooden thing around the outside of it it creates an ethereal, haunting
ringing. It also has a rather pleasing tone when struck like a bell. It
really is lovely to look at and to hear, thanks sweetie!



Anyone want a blue iPod mini?

    I got a free iPod mini! It’s from offercentric, you
can look them up on google… It really didn’t cost me anything, I
tried out three different services and cancelled them. It did take them
about 5 months to send it to me, but i can’t really compain… I have
other free things going on, a full sized ipod, a computer, and a flat
screen monitor but I need help with those, check out my website for
those! I promise that that was the only time I will mention those
things to you, but give it a try!
    Anyway, I gotta figure out what to do with this
mini. I’ve always wanted an iPod, but 5 gigs isn’t going to cut it for
me. I could sell this one and use the money toward a larger ipod. Would
I keep it or send it to my cousin (who had her’s stolen)? What I should
do is sell it and use the money to help pay for my Ithaca trip coming
up, that would be the smart thing… But I also want a mac mini, even
moreso than an iPod..Anyone looking for a blue iPod mini? It’s never
been opened, I’ll send it to you for $200 shipped! If I don’t hear
anything in a week, I’ll put it up on ebay I suppose, but then I’ll
still agonize over what to do with the money…



Birthday plans

    Looks like I’ll be down at dad’s place on the 13th
and drive back up to NOVA on the 14th. I’m hoping to avoid the typical
pathetic Isaac birthday this year, but we’ll see. My cousin Beth
informs me that it is vagina week at Cornell. There are T-shirts,
candies, etc celebrating the occaision. I wonder why VA doesn’t have
vagina week?:-)



“What do you want for your birthday?”

    I’d like to have Doug E. Fresh and K.R.S. One put on
a concert right here on the block… OK that’s a bit unreasonable I
suppose:-) It’s always a little weird to be asked want I want for my
birthday. I guess it’s nice that people care, but it kind of puts me on
the spot. Oh well, I guess there’s worse things to have to deal with:-)



My thoughts on the Super Bowl

    I miss ice hockey.


USA expats!

    I guess I haven’t said this out loud, but I have
always hoped to live as an expat for a while. No, it’s not because I
think this place is so terrible. People that tell me that they want to
move because they’re either ashamed of this country, afraid for it’s
future, or just think W is an idiot need to get some perspective. I
can’t help but think that life under Reagan was much worse, we were
actually afraid of nuclear war for God’s sake! Anyway, it seems as
though there is always some group that proclaims that whatever
president is currently in office is either a reflection of how far
we’ve sunk or will cause the nation to reach the nadir of its history.
They’re always wrong and life goes on…
    And to continue my little political centerist rant,
can anyone really think of a better place to live than here? We have
one of the highest standards of living in the world, where else are you
guaranteed freedom of speech and of the press? England? Nope. Canada?
Nope. Australia? Nope. Where else is there such a level playing
field(as far as jobs go) when it comes to minorities and women? Where
else can you have these things and get a decent job? That’s really the
catch isn’t it? Places like France and the various former British
colonies are nice in many ways but suffer from double digit
unemployment figures and rampant, repugnant government inefficiency.
    No, I am (as unpopular and as unhip as it may be) a
big fan of this country. It isn’t perfect of course, but I can’t think
of any other place I’d want to live long term. So why do you want to
live somewhere else Isaac? Well, I’m really curious, that’s all… I
was thinking of going to Egypt and I realized that if I asked a man on
the street, there would be a good chance that he wouldn’t know anything
about Romeo and Juliet, the Beatles, the French revolution, or Jingle
Bells. Not only that, he probably has a whole list of things of equal
importance that he can’t believe that I’ve never heard of. It’s like a
parallel universe, and it’s right on the same planet, how cool is that?
I can’t help but think a lot of the current trouble between the two
cultures is caused by these gaps in each other’s understanding of the
other. I’d expect the same kind of trouble with Martians and
    I don’t like playing tourist that much. My plan for
several months in South America will whet my appetite. The three years
I could conceivably stay in Egypt is a much better arrangement. If I do
go for the full three years I can tell you one thing, I’ll sure be glad
to come back here!:-)



Don’t you want me Mr. Goodbar?

    I was at the grocery store supposedly picking up
necessary food stuffs. In actuality I was hit with an incredible
craving for chocolate covered peanuts. This wasn’t “Hmmm, that sure
would be good,” it was “Where are those things, I want them NOW!” It
was undeniable… Anyway, since I was there I decided that I’d get some
actual food. They were playing “Don’t you Want Me Baby” by the Human
League. I of course started singing along (big fan of that song… I
have that album, 45, and the 12″ dance remix), and I kept singing even
when I was out of reach of the speakers. Well, I went through another
verse and halfway through the chorus before I got within earshot of
speakers again. I hadn’t missed a beat, I was right freaking there on
the down beat. I scare myself sometimes…



    I’m still lookng at schools and trying to figure out
what and where I want to do this. My latest option is a little
different that the last one… I’m looking at doing an Arabic immersion
program at the American University of Cairo. It’s a year long
program… From there I might go ahead and enroll in their master’s
program in Arabic/Islamic studies. I like this for several reasons.
First of all I’m facinated in Islam and its history, it would be an
incredible experience, and Arabic is much more likely to land me a
decent job than Tibeten will…
    Yeah I know, it’s a long way away, and isn’t it
dangerous for an American named Isaac to live in Egypt right now? I’ve
been looking into the safety thing, and there doesn’t seem to be any
significant violence towards Americans over there right now. The state
department says that crime is very low in Egypt (no doubt due to some
rather draconian punisments) and they don’t have any warning for
Americans on their site. Maybe I’ll assume a not so Jewish name when I
go, any suggestions? I’m kinda partial to “Tito”, but I’m listening to
other ideas…
    When I thought of the idea of doing an Arabic
immersion program, I immediately thought of safety. I’ll skip the
programs on the Saudi peninsula, Syria (yikes!), Israel, and a handful
of language only schools. I was looking at some immersion programs in
tunisia, morocco, and Turkey and as beautiful (and cheap) as those
places looked I think I’d rather go to a place with an actual
university and graduate programs…
    Just on a whim, I looked on Monster to see what
kinds of jobs were being offered for Arabic speakers. A couple jumped
right out at me. There are multiple listings for interrogators(!), not
from the government, but government contractors… The army reserves
ads cracked me up. They will pay a bonus of up to $7000 if you enlist
and you have to enlist for an 8 year tour of duty… They say you “may”
be called up to active duty (yeah right) and the duties may include
doing reports on media coverage, translating documents to be given to
local governments, general clerical duties, and oh yeah, you MAY be
required to man checkpoints in Bahgdad. I kid you not, that was the
gist of the ad… As dreamy as that job sounds, I don’t think I’d
consider that in my future… no wonder the Army’s having trouble
attracting people.
    Anyway, there seems to be lots of potential in a skill like that, so I’m thinking about it…



Tax wackiness

    I got my W-2 from Penn about a week ago. A couple of
days after that I sat down and did my taxes (via Turbo tax), got
everything set, and efiled my results. The federal one was accepted the
next day! A decent return (1800 bucks) that will go right to paying
down my student loan. So today I get my W-2 from George Mason. DOH! I
completely forgot that I worked for them earlier in the year. I had to
refigure my taxes and now I will have to file an amended return via
snail mail. I think everything’s going to be OK, but I’m a little
paranoid about it. I mean they have the other W-2 on file, what’s to
prevent them from accusing me of evading taxes? This’ll go out first
thing tomorrow!



Boys and their toys

    I was watching a car auction on the speed network
while I was baking some CC cookies (mmmmm). Wow, I didn’t see a car go
for less than a 100 grand. Remind me not to go to any car auctions,
that place was jumping. The auctioneers earn their keep there, they
extract every penny out of those bidders. If you get a chance, check
out the auction on speed network sometime, there are some truly amazing
cars on there. There are times that I’m glad I don’t have a lot of
money, I shudder at the thought of the kind of stupid shit I’d waste it
