The nurse administering my inoculations informed me that I have now “graduated”, I received my last rabies shot. That’s good since they’re like $140 a piece or something, but she was really excited for me. She kept touching my arm and called me “Love Bug”, a strange kind of thing to call a patient the first time you meet them. I got the feeling that she mostly worked with kids, but it did make the trip a little more interesting. Anyway, I’m done with the shots, now all I have to do is buy some health insurance and hope that the Israeli/Lbanon thing doesn’t screw up the rest of the middle east. Nothing much happens in Yemen really, there’s no money and hardly any foreigners. Anyway, my trip is looming and I’m really really excited!
3 replies on “I’ve “graduated””
Aw, Love Bug is what my mom used to call me when I was little. That brought back memories.
Glad you’re done with the painful part.
Other than the meningitis shot, they weren’t all that painful. I was wiped out though, I ended up falling asleep on the floor when I decided to do some exercise. I made up for my lost crunches today, but woah was I tired… Yeah, “love bug” is a cute thing to call a 6 year old, it’s a little odd calling a 35 year old guy that. Oh well, at least she was nice:-)
You never should have shareed that epithet with us. When is the wedding?