
Reality is not optional

The more I hear, the more I shake my head. The big three auto companies’ problems are not a sudden catastrophe that can actually be avoided. Many people in DC seem to think that with just the right shuffling of money, things could be very different. They say we need to do something in order to “save jobs” and prevent a plunge in the economy. They act as if those are things a maniacal evil genius is cooking up, as if those things are something that might happen for no reason at all…

Folks, those jobs being lost and those companies’ financial troubles aren’t random. They reflect the way things actually are. What the people up in DC are trying to do is to change the underlying reality of things. It ain’t going to happen. Those companies have already failed, those workers that are going to lose their jobs are already not needed. A prosperous economy is not based on jobs being kept alive by government fiat, it is based on people providing goods and services that are wanted by consumers. Consumers have been telling the Detroit automakers what they think for years via car sales. If those companies aren’t giving people what they want (both in product and price of that product) then they aren’t contributing to a prosperous economy, they are a drag on it. WHen those companies go under, or at least scale back, all sorts of resources will be freed up to go towards things that will contribute to our economy. Steel, rubber, labor, etc. will be able to be used much more efficiently.

It’ll take a little time, especially in the case of the labor, but it will get sorted out. The longer we prolong the process, the more pain that will be inflicted. Let things go on their natural path, it’s the only way to allow an economy to be prosperous.


Gratified and disappointed

The Senate wasn’t able to come together and pass the auto bailout package. For that, I’m happy. We’ll see if Bush caves and appropriates money, he better not since the legislative body didn’t…

I was a little disappointed that none of the objections to the bill (that I could see) were on general principle. Instead, everyone disagreed on how budgets should be cut at the companies. Some said union contracts need to come down now, some were saying executive compensation needed to come down, there were talks about how much they should guarantee their bonds, etc. Is there anyone out there that believes that the congress and the senate would make good micro managers of any business? All of those things might be needed, but the congress is that last body you want making those decisions. It looks like all of those things will happen in bankruptcy, if we’re lucky…


Bailout predictions

I have to say that I continue to be amazed that there is legitimate resistance to the auto company bailout. As free as both houses have been with money, I figured that this current thing was a done deal.

As you might imagine, I am no fan of this thing. There is zero chance that any sort of government appointed car czar will have a good impact on those companies… I have no idea of the bailout will squeak through the Senate or not. I hope it doesn’t and it looks like there will be some sort of fight for it at least… I wonder what will have to be thrown in to sweeten the deal enough to bring enough people over to get it passed like the last bailout bill was…

Anyway, here are my predictions. If the bill passes, this will only be the first of several requests for money. Those companies are bleeding money at an amazing rate and the government is going to show them how to be fiscally responsible? It will be good money after bad and the companies will have to completely reorganize anyway.

If the bill doesn’t pass, the companies will have to file for chapter 11 and they will reorganize. They will reduce their capacity, restructure union contracts, and lay off a ton of people. All of these bad things will be blamed on the lack of bailout money and not on the incompetence of management…

It has been pointed out that this is a bit of a “prisoner’s dilemma.” There is a ton of excess car manufacturing capacity worldwide. That excess needs to go away in order to make the industry profitable and competitive. The trouble is that every country wants the other country’s capacity to shrink, so they will bolster their own. The result? All of the car manufacturers do poorly because of the excess capacity. By moving to prop up the industry, the whole thing stays bad. Yet another chapter of massive distortions caused by government. When will they learn?



Yesterday, Paulson said, “…the most important thing we can do to mitigate the housing correction and reduce the number of foreclosures is to increase access to lower cost mortgage lending.”

GAH! Ok, why does he think that lower cost mortgages will be helpful? They were, to a large extent, what brought us to this current mess. I have already talked a bit about the “correction” (see my last post), but let’s think about what a mortgage rate is.

A mortgage rate is the rate of interest someone will charge you so you can borrow money to buy a house. What that rate is is determined by what it costs them to get that money, your likely ability to pay that loan, and the availability of higher rates of return on other lending options. None of those things are created out of thin air, they’re all important The company with the money wants to loan money, that’s how they make money, but they need to charge the right amount in order for it to work. In addition, they have to make sure they don’t lose money, it’s can be a tricky thing.

So along comes the federal government and decides to lower interest rates. Hmm, what can they do? Well, they make it less expensive to get money to lend. That makes the bank more willing to lend to people that have shaky credit, and it makes it more profitable than lending money for other purposes. In addition, the government guarantees risker mortgages through Freddie Mac and Fannie May. The end result? More houses are sold than would be otherwise, and through our friend “Moral Hazard,” more houses are sold to people that can’t really afford them. That drives the cost of houses higher than it should be (supply and demand being what they are) and also causes a large amount of resources to be spent on the building of houses that shouldn’t have (labor in particular). Poof! Instant bubble… Because the feds made this so profitable, various kinds of mortgage derivatives were formed which were then heavily invested in by banks. In short, it’s a huge distortion, it’s something that wouldn’t have happened if things were left to their own devices.

But they weren’t, and now we have what we have. The good news is that the mortgage market is trying to correct itself, the bad news is that Paulson (and a lot of others on capital hill) want to get back to the same level of house buying and construction that started this whole mess. Someone, somewhere has to start thinking, “Well, maybe we should let the market get back to where it would have been if we hadn’t screwed around so much..” I’m not holding my breath. This is how depressions last, by trying to force markets to go uphill…


When is it going to end?

So the Fed is jumping in with hundreds of billions of dollars to “help” the financial crisis. At what point do we say enough? I see two big problems with these ongoing debt raising shenanigans. First, there is the issue of how the economy is going to react. The whole point of this is that many people do not like the way the economy (of the world) is reacting to the current mess. Paulson actually commented on “… mitigating the correction..” The key word here is correction. The market is trying to get back to a stable point, and that’s going to mean less spending and less credit than we had before. It is quite possible that the market will over correct, after all, there isn’t a single thing that does this correcting, it’s millions of transactions trying to figure out what to do with money. I’ve said it before, but market forces are a lot like water flowing downhill. You can try to divert it, or dam it, but that water will eventually get downhill. If you don’t like what the water is going to hit and divert it, you can be sure it will hit something else, and maybe get around to hitting the original thing anyway. Damming can work for a while, but when it overflows or breaks the dam, watch out! Both the Treasury’s and the Fed’s actions are very blunt attempts to “correct” a very complicated correction. Collateral damage, here we come!

Another big problem is how these actions are continuing and deepening the fall in consumer confidence. Think about it, if people hear the the financial system is collapsing and we need to pull out all of the stops to rescue it every day, do you think they will want to go spend money? Ultimately, people spending money is what makes things happen, but with so much uncertainty, the spending continues to dry up. “But what’s the alternative Isaac? There are big problems..” Yes, there are problems, but I blame people in DC for fanning the flames and making everyone shoulder the load through taxpayer money. I would have preferred that the institutions that screwed up be allowed to fail. That way, the more conservative ones would have been in a position to profit, and that’s the way it should be. Now, we are in a weird situation where the companies that took risks and got burned are being rewarded. With this sort of bailout, what incentive do you have for being conservative with money?

You can think of it as pulling the bandage off quickly. There would be pain, but things would be primed to correct much more quickly and more accurately than this government led fiasco. Yes, it’s a fiasco, the careless and stupid companies that caused this whole mess are being kept alive and at everyone’s expense…

economics free market freedom of choice

Scalping silliness

I’ve noticed a few places where people are complaining that the “free” tickets to the upcoming inauguration are selling for up to $2500. The basic argument seems to be that since the people got the ticket for free, they shouldn’t sell it. Well guess what? Those people don’t think the same way you do, time to move on…

Seriously, regardless of the cost of the item, that person now has something that other people value. If he values the money more than the event, why shouldn’t he take the money? Why shouldn’t he profit from it?

We can (and should) flip that around too. Why should someone be denied the opportunity to go to an event just because they weren’t willing to stand in line/didn’t know someone in order to get tickets? If they are huge fans of Obama and worry that they might miss a historic event, why not allow them to pay whatever they think is a fair price? Think about it, what would you have paid to be there when King said, “I have a dream…” or Kennedy said, “Ask not..” or Reagan when he said, “…Mr. Gorbechev, tear down that wall!” or Kennedy when he said, “Ich bin ein Berliner!”? I’m not saying something of that magnitude is going to happen, but there is definitely a non-zero chance of it happening. Why not let people pay for that opportunity?

So many laws are passed with only the idea that “I don’t think people should do that,” When it’s really none of their business. If someone owns something and someone else values it more than the owner, than the trade will most likely take place regardless of what you think. Just let it happen and spare everyone your outrage….

economics politics

Freddie and Fannie healthcare and moral hazard

Obama had some proposals for improving the healthcare situation. Some of them sounded pretty good, like trying to get rid of “anti-competitive activity” in the insurance arena. The way it has been worded, it sounded like they wanted to target anti-competitive practices by the companies, that’ll help but they need to take on the big anti-competitive problems that are imposed by governments. Here’s a radical idea, allow companies to compete across state lines. Wild, I know. To me, this would be a good use of the commerce clause in the constitution. Right now, every state has it’s own insurance board and it’s own insurance laws. Get rid of that with a single, nation-wide set of rules and we should see much greater competition. In addition, with all of those people being able to be pooled, the risk sharing arrangements should also help to lower premiums.

So I like that bit of potential reform. What I worry about is the vague exhortations to “protect” businesses from catastrophic health care costs and the push to require the business to offer insurance. He has also talked about a public health care insurance plan that is similar to what the congress has access to. Making businesses take on additional costs is not going to be good for their bottom line. Ultimately, that will make them less able to hire people. SImple enough…

The other two things worry me quite a bit. I have zero confidence in the government’s ability to manage an insurance system that works. I also have a feeling I know how he intends to “protect” businesses from high medical costs. There is going to be some sort of government guarantee that will pick up the tab over x amount of dollars. That sound suspiciously like how Fannie May and Freddie Mac were set up. Lenders were encouraged to lend to people with less than stellar credit by telling them that Fannie and Freddie would take care of any mortgages that go into default. We have all seen the results of that policy. Economists have a two word phrase to describe the problem with insurance like that. It’s moral hazard. If lenders aren’t worried about the loan going into default, they will lend to many more people. The same thing is possible with any sort of government backing of medical costs. If insurers are backed by the government, they will indeed take on anyone and the costs will get out of control quickly. If the government backs businesses to “protect” them, costs will again go through the roof. Clearly, someone has to be the no man, it will either be an insurance company or a government bureaucrat.

My main point is that we should learn out lessons with Fannie May and Freddie Mac. It’s a lovely idea that everyone should own their own home, but we can’t have a total meltdown in order to insure that. In the same way, it is nice to think that everyone should have access to any medical procedure, but we can’t get into the same situation we did with housing. Whatever is proposed for healthcare reform, be on the lookout for moral hazard problems.

economics free market politics

Another ridiculous Obama ad

I just saw another Obama campaign ad talking about jobs shipped overseas. This one laments that workers in the Carolinas the sewed the American flag had their jobs sent overseas. They lost not only their jobs, but their “dignity” as well.

Where to start? OK, first of all, those people were either going to lose their jobs to increased mechanization or outsourcing. Odds are that the investment in new machinery was too expensive, so the company could either outsource the labor, or go out of business. Would Obama rather have had the company go under? The idea that we can force companies to keep employees when it is not viable and not to have any bad consequences is naive and comical…

Second of all, and this may be what gets me more wound up, is since when are companies responsible for the “dignity” of their workers? More importantly, since when is the federal government responsible? This has to be one of the more obvious examples of the government overstepping it’s bounds. Dignity is up to the individual, not their employers and certainly not the government. I wish that there was at least the suggestion that the government cannot do certain things let alone hint that there are things that it shouldn’t do….

economics politics

Problems with Obama and jobs

I keep hearing the ad where he says that companies that “send AMerican jobs overseas” will not get tax breaks. It’s an odd thing to say and do really. First off, which tax breaks is he talking about? Why are there tax breaks to begin with? Don’t get me wrong, I favor the least amount of taxes n general, but when certain industries or companies get “tax breaks,” it’s really just a way to pay back the donations that have flowed from them.

What it sounds like he is saying is that we should give tax breaks to companies that create jobs in the US, or at least they don’t ship them out. Read the first paragraph again… Any time that companies or industries are given preferential treatment, it means that there is some serious lobbying going on and a fat bonus to the management of that company.

Here’s what’s going to happen… There will be some companies that it is easier to give jobs to Americans than others. Giving them a tax benefit is going to skew what types of industries and businesses will be profitable to start. Ideally, no government would distort things like that and ideally, companies can be started in whatever industry people can figure out how to make a profit, regardless where the labor is. We want more businesses, not fewer. Even businesses that rely totally on foreign labor do hire some people stateside, isn’t that a good thing?

economics free market

Things to remember about the great depression

I keep hearing comparisons to the great depressions when people talk about banks closing, markets tumbling, etc. It’s important to remember that what we are experiencing is a financial meltdown, not an economic one… so far. The government has stepped in to “stabilize” markets. The result? Wild wild volatility (look for another big drop tomorrow) in the stock markets and an unknown effect on the financial institutions that they are trying so desperately to save.

One thing that we should remember about the great depression is how long it was and why it was that long. We have to remember that government cannot produce jobs, productivity, or wealth unless it takes it from somewhere else. Like it or not, it is the private sector that drives an economy. If you want to jump start the economy, make sure that businesses can make good decisions. This is a rather good podcast about the great depression. I found it quite illuminating, the key thing I got out of it was that the length of the depression can mostly be laid at the government’s feet, more specifically at the feet of FDR and Keynes.

FDR, following the advice of Keynes, managed to inject so much uncertainty into markets that the private sector was unwilling to invest for a very long time. It’s a lesson we should remember these days. Nobody has a good idea what kind of effect the latest shenanigans will have on wall street. And nobody is sure how it will impact the credit markets. Left to their own devices, they would have had to figure something out, now they’re all waiting for the feds to figure things out instead. I can only hope that lessons have been learned and not forgotten…